Monday, December 29, 2014

19 Week Bumpdate

How far along: 19 weeks

Baby Size: Heirloom tomato

Weight gain: Still no idea (I knew that I didn't want to get caught up in a number, so each time I've been to my doctor I've closed my eyes as I've gotten on the scale and just asked them if I'm right on track, or need to slow down or gain more. So far, I've been on track and that's all that matters! :)

Maternity clothes: Yup. I may need to invest in a couple maternity tops soon. My mom got me a super soft maternity sweater for Christmas and I love how roomy and comfy it is. I'm also thinking that I need a few things for our upcoming babymoon. I definitely have no warm weather clothes that fit right now!

Stretch marks: None yet. 

Sleep: I've been a little congested the past couple of nights, so that's made sleep a bit trickier than it already is. Still using this Snoogle, and a few other regular pillows to prop me up so I can breathe. Falling asleep is no problem at all, but staying asleep is a different story!
Gender: It's a GIRL!

Movement: Baby girl loves laying on my bladder :) I felt her move for the first time while I was at work on the 23rd. It was the strangest feeling. At first I couldn't tell if it was her or not, but then she did it again and I knew it was her. So weird/awesome/cool

Best moment this week: Christmas day was incredible. Not only did we get to spend some time with both of our families, but we got to reveal baby's gender! 

I had a little silver gift box that I picked up during my holiday shopping and I filled it with pink tissue paper, feathers, and a ribbon glued to a piece of pink scrapbook paper announcing that we are having a girl. For both families we had everyone go around making their predictions, and then we had the grandparents open it. My brother got a pretty cool video of my mom opening the box and everyone's reactions. My SIL on Zach's side of the family got some pictures as well. 

The contents of our gender reveal box

Later that evening we made our announcement on Facebook, and we love knowing our little one's gender and not having to keep it a secret anymore. It feels so good to know that we are having a girl and to be able to call her by her name. 

Looking forward to: Our upcoming Babymoon/belated honeymoon to Florida!

Food cravings: Oh man...these! I can't stop. I try to keep to limit myself to just two a day. If I'm being honest though, a third will sometimes have to happen. They are just SO good! I've gone through a bag of cuties on my own this past week, so when Zach and I went to Costco on Friday I snagged a big bag of Halos. I'm sure their days are limited... ;)

  Anything making you queasy or sick: As I mentioned here, any rich or sugary drinks are still off the table
Labor Signs: Nope.
What I miss: Wine, a flat tummy, tough workouts
Symptoms: Heartburn at night and that's pretty much it this week. I've been feeling pretty good lately!
Nursery: We ordered our crib and a mattress this week. We ordered this one and can't wait for it to arrive!

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Mood: Joyful

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